Sława Harasymowicz was born in 1970 in Krakow, Poland. She currently lives and works in London.
Sława Harasymowicz works with a wide variety of media spanning drawing, photography, screen-printing, found footage and text, but also increasingly new media such as sound and video. Harasymowicz’s practice explores ‘re-personalising’ and ‘de-personalising’ tactics, negotiating the positions between the personal and the public. Her point of departure is often archive, as a strategy and a cognitive tool to pose questions around the validity of recollection, the ambiguity of reconstruction, political representation and autobiography.
‘dismal sheets of dust (ślady kurzu)’, 17 – 30 October 2019
Jest już dzień jasny (ordre de bataille), (BWA) Tarnów, Poland 18 May – 24 June 2018
The Trouble with Value, at Bunkier, Poland, 16 December – 18 March 2018
Radio On, Freud Museum, London, 4 December 2016
The Spring to Come, Poetry Library, Royal Festival Hall, London, 2016
Radio On, Narrative Projects, London, 2016
H.N.5 515, Centrala, Birmingham, 2015-16