Salt Room, installation view

Salt Room, installation view
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Salt Room, 1993-1994

Brooklyn and Manhattan flats, New York, US


salt, water, walls


The spring 1994 was hot, I was sweating a lot. Once, I licked my arm – it was salty, like after swimming in the nearby Atlantic. Sweat was also in the New York air, in the capitalist ethos of exploitation and sweatshops. I decided to leave my own archeological mark in sweat on the walls in my little flat in Brooklyn, New York, in 1994 and subsequently in my Manhattan flat a year later.


I covered the corners of my room with a dense solution of salt and water, which, applied many times over a period of several weeks, started a life of its own. The walls became my skin, the corners my groin, white paint my skin. Soon after, I discreetly moved out.



Click here to download “Form tends to its own dissolution” – Charles Wright
