Joanna Rajkowska, 233°C, 2016

Joanna Rajkowska, 233°C, 2016

Piotr Krzymowski & Joanna Rajkowska: Neon Inn, Warsaw, 6 December – 28 February 2017

Works by Piotr Krzymowski and Joanna Rajkowska have both been included in the project, Neon Inn, organised by Ghelamco, Fundacja Sztuka w Mieście (Art in the City).



Krzymowski’s neon, CIN CINema was commissioned from a workshop in Warsaw that has been making neon signs in Poland since the late 50s. It is taken from a series of works in which he refers to the tradition and legacy of the cinema of past era, particularly the cinematography of the 60s and the French New Wave. The work relates to the gesture of celebration, and touches upon this idea within the work of filmmakers such as Jean-Luc Godard and Francois Truffaut.



Rajkowska’s  233ºC refers to the temperature at which books spontaneously combust; the artist created her neon with an Optical Character Recognition font, which is recognizable by automated systems.


Read more about the project here.
