Joanna Rajkowska, group show, TOP Museum, Tokyo Japan, 14 August- 14 October 2019

Female Artists and the Moving Image in Art in Poland: From 1970s to the Present, TOP Museum, Tokyo Japan


This year marks 100 years since March 22, 1919, when diplomatic relations were established between the Japanese government and the Republic of Poland. We will present this exhibition in cooperation to with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, a Polish government-sponsored cultural organization, as a commemorative project to celebrate the centenary of friendship between our two countries. Situated on the Baltic Sea between Germany and Russia, Poland flourished culturally as one of the great nations of Europe, but due to its geopolitical position, it was repeatedly divided and ruled by its powerful neighbors, resulting in great suffering. Under Soviet influence during the second half of the twentieth century it spent the cold war as a socialist country until public resistance brought about democracy and this cultural strength and depth that stubbornly survived through a time of upheaval is what defines the country. Its culture has been introduced to Japan in a variety of ways in the past, but amid the increasingly complicated social situation in Europe today, the aesthetics and awareness of the issues depicted in these works by contemporary Polish artists should provide the viewers in distant Japan with numerous hints and information about the current situation there.


For more information please go here
