Frieze Sculpture 2019


Joanna Rajkowska, The Hatchling (2019)


The Hatchling is a sculpture of a scaled-up egg of the blackbird (Turdus merula), one of Britain’s most common birds, known for its well-liked song.   From inside the sculpture, sounds of hatching chicks can be heard. Coming close to the sculpture, we are invited to touch and listen attentively.


The sculpture reminds us of the many birds that live with us in cities – something we tend to forget. As an interruption in the trajectories of everyday life, what demands our attention is young, fragile and defenceless life. The Hatchling is a reminder of the fragility of the natural environment, the survival of which determines our own existence. 


For more information on Joanna Rajkowska, please go here

For more information on Frieze Sculpture, please go here 




Frieze Sculpture returns, Creative Boom, 12 July 2019


UK sculpture display brings art to the people, Euronews., 8 July 2019


London’s Largest Free Outdoor Sculpture Display Now Open In Regent’s Park, Forbes, 5 July 2019


Frieze Sculpture opens in Regent’s Park, Town&Country, 4 July 2019


Regent’s Park Has Been Turned into A Huge Sculpture Garden, Secret London, 4 July 2019


Giant egg and a pile of car bonnets appear in Regent’ Park, itv, 4 July 2019


See Five Standout Works From Frieze Sculpture 2019, artnet, 3 July 2019
