Yelena Popova (born in USSR) lives and works in Nottingham, where she has a studio at Primary. She studied at Moscow Art Theatre School (MHAT) before graduating from MA Painting at the Royal College of Art in 2011. Recent solo exhibitions include This Certifies That, Philipp von Rosen, Cologne (2017), Elements, Girton College, University of Cambridge (2017), After Image, Nottingham Contemporary (2016) and Unsensed, Hatton Gallery, Newcastle (2015). Her work has been acquired into the Arts Council Collection, RCA Collection, Saatchi Collection, Zabludowicz Collection and LWL Museum, Münster.


Popova works with a broad variety of medium, which includes painting, video and installation. Her work often reflects her upbringing in the Ural, and is also influenced by Russian Constructivism, trying to capture the continuous industrial development and the landscape of contemporary capitalism. Her work initiates discussions and engagement with the audience regarding the systematic relationship between objects found in cultures of industrialism and capitalism, which simultaneously produces a powerful contrast and a sense of equilibrium. 


Click to download artist’s CV







Review of Popova’s exhibition in Art Monthly, 2020


The Scholar Stones Project exhibition Review. Cotton on MCR


The Gurdian, Get the Geiger counter! The Scholar Stones Project – review, 2020


Russian Art + Culture


25 artiste indagano la materia a Londra da roaming projects: c’è anche Ludovica Gioscia, Artribune, 2018


London Art Exhibitions For January 2018 By Paul Carey-Kent, Artlyst, 2018


Art Monthly 403, 2017


Studio Visit with Yelena Popova “The idea would be to make a work that disintegrates,” INIGO art, 2016


The Vitamin P3 List: Discover the 108 International Artists Who Are Revolutionizing Painting Today, ArtSpace, 2016


A Q&A with… Yelena Popova, artist, A-N, 2016


LeftLion Magazine #81, 2016


Transparency at Yorkshire Sculpture Park displays Arts Council Collection, Museum and Heritage Advisor, 2016


How do images disappear? asks abstract artist Yelena Popova in first major UK show, The Calvert Journal, 2016


Anoma Wijewardene in Silk Road group exhibition, The Sunday Times, 2016


Yorkshire Sculpture Park Explores Transparency With 15 Sculptures, Installations And Films, Artlyst, 2016


Review: Yelena Popova ‘Drying Time’ at Paradise Row, Apollo, 2014


What Does the Future of Painting Look Like?, ArtNetNews, 2014


Germany’s Top 25 Fall Gallery Shows, ArtNetNews, 2014


Last Days for Two of the Best Fall Bay Area Shows: City of Disappearances and Energy That Is All Around, Huffpost, 2013


LeftLion Magazine #55, LeftLion, 2013


Russian Art is Hot, says The Saatchi, Huffpost, 2013


Yelena Popova for Saatchi Gallery,, 2012


Contemporary art talent – chosen so you don’t have to…, Yelena Popova, ArtBroth, 2012


London’s top five art exhibitions to visit, The Guardian, 2012


AN INTERVIEW WITH YELENA POPOVA, The Serendipity Project, 2012


Saatchi Gallery and Channel 4 New Sensations Prize, Wallpaper*, 2011


Britart’s new wave: Who are the successors to Hirst and Emin?, The INDEPENDENT, 2011





Yelena Popova